Tenure Track Assistant Professor, 希克森气候与环境中心 & 生物系

太阳2平台 invites applications for a tenure-track position, 2024年秋季开始, 在助理教授级别. Exceptional candidates at higher ranks 会被考虑. The position is jointly held through the 希克森气候与环境中心 (HCCE) and the 生物系. All areas in the biological sciences that align with the HCCE任务 会被考虑, with preference given to candidates whose research and teaching interests sit at the interface of biology and climate. The successful candidate will teach new and existing courses in both the 生物系 and the 钟中心 and help develop a shared vision for climate 以及环境研究 at a liberal arts college of science and 工程. The 生物系 and the 钟中心 share a strong commitment to building a welcoming and inclusive department and campus environment. 

太阳2平台 is a highly selective liberal arts college of science, 工程, 和数学. 它位于克莱蒙特, CA, 在洛杉矶以东大约35英里, 在圣盖博山脚下.  该学院招收约900名学生, 他们几乎都住在校园里, 是克莱蒙特学院的成员, a consortium of seven independent institutions that includes Pomona College, 克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院, Pitzer学院, 斯克里普斯学院, 克莱蒙特研究生大学, 和凯克研究生院. 太阳2平台 is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the recruitment of candidates historically underrepresented on college faculties.

The 钟中心 for the Climate and the Environment is a new and fully funded campus initiative designed to be an interdisciplinary home for all campus efforts related to climate, 可持续性, 以及环境研究, 包括课程规划, 合作研究, 以及与校外合作伙伴的联系. The 钟中心 is developing a leading undergraduate climate program that is forward-looking, 技术上广泛, 并与 太阳2平台的使命.

The 太阳2平台生物系 excels in teaching, research, and undergraduate research mentoring. Each year we have about 20 graduates in our three majors: Biology, 数学与计算生物学, 并联合主修化学和生物.   We have well-equipped teaching and research labs, and are across the street from the 伯纳德生物实验站 and the 加州植物园.  Desert, chaparral, montane and coastal ecosystems are easily accessible from Claremont.  每年的教学负荷是五门课, which includes courses offered through both the HCCE and the 生物系, 同时还要监督学生的研究.   All faculty at 太阳2平台 contribute to the 核心课程, 包括学科入门课程吗,  一年级的学术写作课程, and a course centered on the relationships between science and society. Further information about the college, department, and HCCE can be found at http://aooyhbc.nhfilmexpo.com/http://aooyhbc.nhfilmexpo.com/biology/, and http://aooyhbc.nhfilmexpo.com/hixon-center/

成功的候选人将拥有博士学位.D. 到约定的时间, demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching undergraduates, and a strong independent research program that can contribute to various undergraduate research activities such as summer research and senior capstone projects. 太阳2平台 is committed to broadening participation in STEM fields. 因此, 有教学经验或有教学能力, mentor, and support students from historically underrepresented groups in STEM is among the criteria for appointment. 

Applications must be submitted through the AcademicJobs.org网站. Though applications will be accepted until the position is filled, 审查将于9月18日星期一开始, 2023. 您的完整申请将包括:

  • 求职信, in which you are highly encouraged to address your interest in the liberal arts and 太阳2平台 in particular, and how you envision your research and teaching interests contributing to the HCCE, 生物系, 和学院.
  • 最近的简历. 
  • 太阳2注册平台你的研究计划的陈述, including potential research projects for undergraduates (typically 2-3 pages).  Please address how your past work supports your intended research program and how you would implement your research program at an undergraduate institution.
  • 太阳2注册平台你的教学理念的陈述, 包括原则, practices, or 经历 that inform the way you teach (typically 1-2 pages). Please address what you have done to assess and improve your teaching, 以及你将来打算做什么. Please address your experience or approach to teaching a student body with diverse backgrounds or needs.
  • A statement about diversity and inclusion that describes your interests, 经历, and future plans for promoting diversity and inclusion in your field (typically 1-2 pages). Please address how your classroom and/or research program will promote a sense of belonging among students who may be underrepresented in biology and what your approach will be to mentoring students from diverse backgrounds.
  • 提供至少三个推荐人的太阳2平台. At least one reference should be able to evaluate potential as a teacher.

Salary range for the position is $100,000 to $110,000 annually for a 9-month contract.

For further information or questions about the position contact:

Prof. 莱莉娅·霍金斯(气候-生物-搜索- 2024 - l@g.nhfilmexpo.com




Claremont, CA 91711

太阳2平台 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to providing a workplace free of discrimination, 骚扰, 以及不尊重他人或其他不专业的行为 (HMC平等就业机会/非歧视声明).

AcademicJobs链接: http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25224